Domionos Pizza Theater Remodels
Five nights, non close front of house remodel. Work includes Dust containment, demolition, turnover every morning early, front counter replacement, floor tile replacement, new ceiling tile, wall paper and paint, electronic menu boards, POS work, graphics package, lighting work, coordination of warehousing and delivery of owner provided FF & E, punch list and warranty.
- Open store remodel. Five nights. Return to sevice each morning.
- Tile flooring in lobby and kitchen.
- New front counters.
- Rework lighting and ceiling painting.
- New wallcovering at focal walls and paint.
- Raise soffit above service counter.
- Extensive graphics package.
- Install electronic menu boards.
- POS rework reinstallation.
- Safety glass viewing wall with metal tube framing support posts.
- Subway tile walls in make line prep areas.